Monday, August 15, 2011

New Donation fund established PINK INK

Hi everyone-

In my desire to not have any woman denied the total breast repigmentation they want I have establised PINK INK, the fund for women in need of financial assistance for nipple repigmentation. I wanted to get this going from the beginning but a recent email from a friend underlined the compelling need for such a fund who has to undergo double masectomies before she is 35 for preventative care. It is already daunting to think about someone going thru those motions at such a young age, but the financial burden is unimaginable. Help me help others. Your donations will be directly applied to the hourly rate I would normally charge along with the necessary administrative fees taken by Paypal and the banks. Right now the fund is being handled and driven by volunteers to ensure that the biggest amount possible will go directly to helping women in need.

Thanks for your support, the smallest donation goes a long way! Just click on the PINK INK button on the right hand side of my blog and do what you can. Interested parties who want their donation to go directly to a certain individual should consider a PINK INK Gift Certificate.


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